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Whiplash can sometimes result in a concussion

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Whiplash can sometimes result in a concussion

Whiplash is one of the most common injuries resulting from car accidents in California. It results from the head being jerked about violently, which can be caused by the sudden impact experienced in a collision.

Whiplash is another word for a neck strain. According to Web MD, the sudden movement of the head can pull the muscles of the neck in a way that injures them.

One symptom of whiplash can be headaches that radiate from the base of the skull. It can also cause tenderness in the affected area, pain or stiffness when turning the head or moving it side-to-side, tightness or decreased range of motion.

While whiplash often results in mild to severe injuries to the neck, it can also lead to a concussion. Healthline points out that this is due to the sudden and violent shaking of the head that can happen with a car accident. Such a concussion occurs when the brain strikes the skull from the inside.

A concussion from a whiplash injury would be a result of the brain striking the skull from the inside. If someone has suffered a whiplash injury from a car accident and is experiencing excessive sleepiness, nausea, dizziness, confusion, trouble talking, weakness or a headache that won’t go away, he or she may have a concussion as well.

If someone does have a concussion, he or she should see the doctor right away. Even a mild concussion could result in complications if it is not treated properly. When recovering from a concussion, it is possible to still experience mild headaches, as well as difficulty concentrating, light and sound sensitivity and irritability.

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